Drip, drip, drip.
One of the things about late winter snowfalls is that they can be very wet and heavy. The snowflakes seem larger and more defined. And the snow sticks to everything and covers completely. Branches of trees that might otherwise not have much of anything on them, become white arms reaching for the sky after one of these snowfalls. Drip, drip, drip. If the temperatures drop overnight, oftentimes, the snow will crystallize and turn into clear ice, creating an effect unique in itself. At dawn, these ice covered branches shine like nature’s own Christmas lights. While the effect is stunning, I also know that I better enjoy while I can because it is going to be fleeting. Once the sun warms the air, the ice will melt and the branch will once more be exposed to the elements. Drip, drip, drip. A part of me wants the effect to remain and last for as long as possible. But deep down, I know that the tree is not meant to have a covering of ice. The tree is meant to be covered in leafs, not ice. And in a few short months, I’ll be staring at the leafs; so happy they are there providing shade, shelter and home for birds, insects and those who love to sit under a tree. Drip, drip, drip. I can be like those branches sometimes. Every once in a while, I get all dressed up and covered with things that glitter. I ooh and aah at myself in the mirror. And it’s fun to do so. But the next day, reality reminds me that the real me is much simpler. I pull on my jeans and a sweater and do what I normally do. And, I usually do it pretty well. I take great pride in what I do. When I look in the mirror, I like what I see. It might not glitter as much as last night, but this is who I am and who I was called to be. And I’m good with that. Drip, drip, drip. |
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